Description (Catalog Card) : Clay figurine. fr. of horses's head and neck. [drawing 1:1]
Description (Catalog Card) : Clay pot. Greenish drab clay, wheelmade. Type III.
Description (Catalog Card) : Clay pot. Drab clay, wheelmade. Type III.
Description (Catalog Card) : Clay pot. Coarse drab clay, clumsy wheelmade ware. Most of rim missing. Type XXXV.
Museum Number (UPM B-number) : B15390Description (Catalog Card) : Clay pot. With wheel-turned grooves on shoulder. Much of rim missing. Type XXXVI. [Annotated] Phil
Description (Catalog Card) : Clay vase. Greenish drab ware, wheelmade, with wheel-turned grooves round shoulder. Type XII.
Description (Catalog Card) : Clay pot. Pinkish drab clay, wheelmade. Type XI.
Description (Catalog Card) : Clay pot. Red clay with fine hematitic engobbage. Wheelmade. Much decayed by salt. Type I.
Description (Catalog Card) : Clay pot. Drab clay, wheelmade, with fine creamy engobbage. Type I.
Description (Catalog Card) : Clay pot. Drab clay, wheelmade, with fine cramy white engobbage. Most of rim missing. Type I.