U Number : 17815F
Description (Catalog Card) : Group. From one burial.
(A) Four gold frontlets oval type with tag ends, a good deal damaged and broken [A, G-I].
(B) A length of gold hair ribbon.
(C) Gold finger ring of flat make wide edges bent inwards to make a ribbed hoop.
(D) A pair of gold earrings of the small hollow lunate type, interlaced. [D and J]
(E) Cylinder seal, white shell, introduction scene with seated goddess, crescent, 2 standing figures and tree. cf. U.1979 and U.1987.
(F) Beads: small gold balls, plain and fluted, with carnelian and lapis lentoids: gold and carnelian diamonds: long carnelian bugles, carnelian lentoids, agate beads, lapis lentoid and gold balls.