Description (Catalog Card) : Clay pot. Coarse yellow-drab clay, wheelmade, round base. Broken. Type III (v.)
Description (Catalog Card) : Limestone fragment. Inscribed by priest of Nannar named en-an-ni-pao-da. Duplicate U.245, U.237. [Annotated] Copied: placed in IN/No 1.
Description (Catalog Card) : Limestone fragment. Inscribed with a duplicate text of U.244. [Annotated] Copied: Placed in IN/No. 1
Description (Catalog Card) : Clay bowl-fragments. Wheelmade, reddish clay. (below) Large example of Type XXII ornamented with three ridges, .015 apart, below the neck.
Museum Number (UPM B-number) : B14974Description (Catalog Card) : Fragment of a bowl with fine white limestone, virtually marble; rather more than 1/2 preserved. Flat base. (below) RC.19L. [drawing]
Description (Catalog Card) : Bronze bowl. Plain. U.475 and U.476 are lying in this and fastened to it by corrosion.[drawing]
Description (Catalog Card) : Clay pot. Pinkish-drab clay with drab engobbage: wheelmade. Type X.