Description (Catalog Card) : Alabaster bowl. Perfectly plain: rim chipped. Otherwise complete. Part of a foundation deposit (?) Type
Description (Catalog Card) : Bronze bowl. Plain. U.475 and U.476 are lying in this and fastened to it by corrosion.[drawing]
Description (Catalog Card) : [A-B] Bronze bowls, 2. Much crushed and broken, and completely oxidized,. Roughly hemispherical.
Description (Catalog Card) : Clay pot. Pinkish drab clay, wheelmade. Type XI.
Description (Catalog Card) : Stone bowl. of greenish-grey loose-grained stone resembling lava. Flat base, straight sides. Type JN23 new.
Description (Catalog Card) : Stone bowl. of greenish-grey loose-grained stone resembling lava. Sides slightly curved, base flat.
Description (Catalog Card) : Stone Bowl. of greenish loose-grained stone like lava. Straight sides, flat base.
Description (Catalog Card) : Stone bowl. of fine-grained date-colored stone, sides slightly curved, base flat.
Description (Catalog Card) : Stone bown. of greenish loose-grained stone like lava. Straight sides curve in strongly to base marked by a slight disk. Rim chipped.