Attribution: Taken by Ur Digitization Team, British Museum, 2015.     
Media Type: Modern Photo     

Objects: 1929,1017.619-a_300dpi2500pixSize.jpg Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
12608A (none) 1929,1017.619 (none) [A-B] 2 copper bangles. Plain. Attached to one of these [C-D] 2 (finger ?) rings also of copper. [D] One is broken. Ends of bangles unattached.
12608B (none) 1929,1017.619 (none) [A-B] 2 copper bangles. Plain. Attached to one of these [C-D] 2 (finger ?) rings also of copper. [D] One is broken. Ends of bangles unattached.
12608C (none) 1929,1017.619 (none) [A-B] 2 copper bangles. Plain. Attached to one of these [C-D] 2 (finger ?) rings also of copper. [D] One is broken. Ends of bangles unattached.
12608D (none) 1929,1017.619 (none) [A-B] 2 copper bangles. Plain. Attached to one of these [C-D] 2 (finger ?) rings also of copper. [D] One is broken. Ends of bangles unattached.
  • 4 Objects