Attribution: Taken by Ur Digitization Team, British Museum, 2015.     
Media Type: Modern Photo     

Objects: 1928,1010.771.jpg Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
12778G.12 (none) 1928,1010.771 (none) Group of objects: from PG/NW level; found between levels -760 and -800 below the planoconvex brick pavement (A) Clay animal figurine. (B) [.1-.6] Fragment of long clay beads imitating shell. (C) [.1-.9] A number of clay jar-sealing with seal impressions, all of one type, palmette enclosed (imperfect) [reference to drawing]. (see over [Annotated] Legrain 480 (D) An oval clay object. [Annotated] Legrain 481. (see over) [Drawing of impression] (E) Tubular ball (?) bead. (F) Copper needle. (G) [.1-.13] Various examples of pottery. [H] (also animal bones). -- The design on D and C is the same [drawing of design].
  • 1 Object