Omeka ID: 3286     

G.201 House E XIX A.H. Directly under the floor main period II of court against SW wall by doorway at SW end an infants burial (on NE side of door):

This was a vase of light drab baked clay Rim 015 Ht0255 Base 0119 Larsa [drawing (artifact: pot)] ICCX [first C is backwards] Larsa

Omeka Label: Ur_Notes_v3_p163     
BM Volume: 3     
BM Page Number: 162     
Media Title: Woolley's Field Note Cards     
Page Number: 163     
Volume: v3     
BM Archive Number: 194     
BM Description: AH-G201-House_19     
Omeka Tags: AH, drawing, G201, House 19     
Omeka Type: 17     

Locations: Woolley's Field Note Cards | Woolley's Field Note Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV


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Excavation Context: Ur >> AH Site | AH >> House XIX


Woolley's Field Note Cards