BM Volume: 46     
BM Page Number: 64     
Media Title: Woolley's Catalog Cards     
Description: U10597     
Label: Card -- BM ID:194 Box:46 Page:64     
BM Archive Number: 194     

Objects: Woolley's Catalog Cards | Woolley's Catalog Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
10597A (none) (none) B16755 Tomb group. A. Beads, lapis double conoids and 1 gold lentoid. B. Silver wire coil earrings. C. Cockle shells with paint. D. [.1-.2]) Copper pin with lapis head (broken)
10597B (none) (none) B17577 Tomb group. A. Beads, lapis double conoids and 1 gold lentoid. B. Silver wire coil earrings. C. Cockle shells with paint. D. [.1-.2]) Copper pin with lapis head (broken)
10597C (none) (none) B17592 Tomb group. A. Beads, lapis double conoids and 1 gold lentoid. B. Silver wire coil earrings. C. Cockle shells with paint. D. [.1-.2]) Copper pin with lapis head (broken)
10597D.1 (none) (none) B17578.1 Tomb group. A. Beads, lapis double conoids and 1 gold lentoid. B. Silver wire coil earrings. C. Cockle shells with paint. D. [.1-.2]) Copper pin with lapis head (broken)
10597D.2 (none) (none) B17578.2 Tomb group. A. Beads, lapis double conoids and 1 gold lentoid. B. Silver wire coil earrings. C. Cockle shells with paint. D. [.1-.2]) Copper pin with lapis head (broken)
  • 5 Objects