U Number : 8810D
Description (Catalog Card) : [A-H] Tablet. (A) Fragment of the list of year-dates of the dinasty of Larsa similar to the prism published by Thureaudengin; but some differences. The 6th and 7th years of Abisare are transposed. The 10th and 11th year are different and confirm T-D's conjecture, Lachronol---p.18, note 16. Also, fragments of 1st 2 lines and of end of 1st col. - not identified. (B) Fragment of religious text? (C) Frag. tablet containing impression of seal of servant of a king whose name ended in ? (Obvious bottom right corner) (D) Tablet complete case, with unusual inscription? (E) Fragment of large tablet. The rest small business documents, etc. (F) cf. U.8816F? (G andH) Do one of these belong with U.7705? (A) HC.60 (C) HC.61