Description (Catalog Card) : Clay Seal Impressions on lamp or tablet. with geometrical design spread eagle, star, sun? (like sign UD) angular man(?) carrying pot, and other things.
Description (Catalog Card) : Seal impression. 2 pieces. Probalby belonging together. Stars, stylized reptile, etc. and rosette stamp.
Description (Catalog Card) : Seal impression. Inscription. HC.233.
Description (Catalog Card) : Seal impresssion. Linear design. 2 pieces.
Description (Catalog Card) : Seal impression. Elaborate pattern.
Description (Catalog Card) : Cylinder seal. Baked clay. Animals (?) at gate of shrine course cutting.
Description (Catalog Card) : [A-Q] Clay jar stoppers. Fragments of. With roughly incised decoration. 16 fragments in all.
Description (Catalog Card) : [A-H] Clay jar sealing. Fragments of impressed with finely drawn linear design which contains possible hieroglyphic elements.