This category includes objects with an edge, the head mounted parallel to the handle. It can be used to shape, split, or cut wood. 


Objects: Axes Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
9191B (none) 1928,1009.306 (none) [A]Copper Knife, [B]axe & [C]reticule all corroded together Knife straight-sided thus: [drawing] [Type] II axe, broken, thus: [drawing] [type] X
19140A 35-1-416 (none) (none) [A-E] Bronze axes. Type A. 3
19140B 35-1-413 (none) (none) [A-E] Bronze axes. Type A. 3
19140C 35-1-417.2 (none) (none) [A-E] Bronze axes. Type A. 3
19140D 35-1-415 (none) (none) [A-E] Bronze axes. Type A. 3
19140E 35-1-417.1 (none) (none) [A-E] Bronze axes. Type A. 3
19139A 35-1-419 (none) (none) [A-C] Bronze axes. Type A. 1
19139C 35-1-414 (none) (none) [A-C] Bronze axes. Type A. 1
13524A 31-17-190 (none) (none) [A-B] Copper Axe and 1 copper earring, single coil. Type XIX.
13524B (none) (none) (none) [A-B] Copper Axe and 1 copper earring, single coil. Type XIX.
308B (none) (none) (none) [A-B] Bronze, molten lumps. In B is embedded a broken bronze axe head, clearly part of the kaj [slag?] beign melted down.
19139B 35-1-418 (none) (none) [A-B] Bronze axes. Type A. 1
10713A (none) (none) (none) [A-B] 2 Flat Copper Axe Blades Short Turned over tangs only one intact [drawing] Type IV
10713B (none) (none) B17277 [A-B] 2 Flat Copper Axe Blades Short Turned over tangs only one intact [drawing] Type IV
19141B 35-1-411 (none) (none) [A-B] Bronze adzes. Type 1
11988.1 30-12-297 (none) (none) [.1-.2]Copper Axe (broken but complete) Type XVII but unusually long & narrow.
11988.2 (none) 1929,1017.557 (none) [.1-.2] Copper Axe (broken but complete) Type XVII but unusually long & narrow.
(none) 31-16-480 (none) (none) unknown
11482A 30-12-298 (none) (none) Two copper objects. (A) knife blade [drawing] (B) Reticule.
11986 30-12-320 (none) (none) Two Copper Axes. Corroded together. Both type XVII. (the latter tip missing).
8782 (none) (none) (none) Thin flat blade badly bent. Broken in two pieces. Abnormally long blade. [drawing]
12478 30-12-579 (none) (none) Silver axe. Type thus: AB(new). [drawing]
16663 (none) (none) (none) Iron axe. Socketed: end of socket broken. Socket runs horizontally through ends of blade. [drawing 1:1]
12709A (none) (none) (none) Group: [A] 1) Copper axe. Poor condition. Type XXI. [B] 2) Copper dagger. Type II F. [C] 3) Copper pin. Lapis ball head. [D-G] 4) Four models of boats - baked clay bellums with curved prows and sterns. [H] 5) Baked clay goblet with broad stand. Broken. Type.
12707K (none) (none) (none) Group: [A] (1) Stone vase, white calcite. For type see field ntoes. [Type] LXXVI. [B] (2) Stone bowl, white calcite. Broken badly. Type XIX. [C] (3) Copper lamp normal type cut as a shell. L. 140mm. L. of spout 100mm with ring at end for suspension. [D] (4) Beads. Carnelian rings probably a bracelet with thin silver wire bracelets elliptical, broken and decayed. [E] (5) Silver wire finger ring. [F] (6) Frontlet of beads. 1 lapis bugle and 2 carnelian bugles [G] (7) Cylinder seal. Shell. Much decayed. [H] (8) Cylinder seal. Lapis lazuli originally suspended on a silver wire. Subject. [I] (9) Copper strainer. Corroded with it. Normal type. [J] (10) A copper tumbler. Straight sided [Type] LVII. [K] (11) Copper axe type XXI. [L] (12) Copper holdfasts. Croquet hook type. [drawing] [M] (13) Copper pin. Type V B. Lapis ball head corroded with: [N] 14) Copper dagger type II B.