This category includes double edged tools with a handle. Other names for this category are daggers, and scimitars.  

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Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
8066 (none) (none) (none) Copper knife. Straight-sided to the point, with one rivet left in the tang. Found corroded on to U.8065, and broken. [type] II
8324 (none) 1928,1009.272 (none) Copper knife. Straight-sided, tapering to rounded point; angular shoulders to tang with 2 rivets. (broken) [drawing] [Type] II.
8353 (none) (none) (none) Copper knife. Thin rivets in short tang and shoulders. Two copper rivets found loose beside it, probably went through the pommel of the wooden handle.
8743 (none) (none) (none) Copper knife. Broken in 3 places. Unusually small. [drawing 1:1] [Type] IV
6401 (none) (none) (none) Copper knife. Broken in 3 places. [drawing]
7980 (none) (none) (none) Copper knife. Damaged: the blade has been bent up and cracked, and above this is much corroded and the edges have gone; below the bend well preserved. Point broken but found. Apparently of the usual straight-sided type, but the damage makes it hard to identify.
8843B (none) 1928,1009.259 (none) Copper knife. Flat blade. Short tang with 3 rivets on either side.
8759 (none) (none) (none) Copper knife. Flat blade. Short tang with 3 rivets. Common type. [drawing] [type] II
9036 (none) 1928,1009.250 (none) Copper knife. Flat blade. Short tang with bitumen covering which comes down over the blade. This was originally part of the haft. [drawing]
8767 (none) (none) (none) Copper knife. Flat blade. Short tang. No rivets. [drawing c. 2:5] II.
11721 (none) (none) (none) Copper Knife. Fragment missing from tip, tang broken. Type II E.
12170 30-12-289 (none) (none) Copper Knife. Haft broken. Type II. E.
7865 (none) 1928,1009.273 (none) Copper knife. Leaf-shaped with slight central rib: short tang with rivets broken off. [drawing].
8909 (none) (none) (none) Copper knife. Normal straight-sided type with 2 rivets. Point broken off but found.
12178 (none) (none) (none) Copper Knife. Originally had wooden handle decorated with copper studs.
12155 (none) 1929,1017.516 (none) Copper Knife. Reticule also of copper adhering to blade, reticule contains manicure tools. Top broken. Type II. F.
7873 (none) (none) (none) Copper knife. Same type as 7872 but longer. The bent-over end has been broken and mended. Impression of reed matting on one side.
7875 (none) (none) (none) Copper knife. Similar to 7872 : bend double in antiquity. XI.
9115 (none) (none) (none) Copper knife. Straight-sided with very slight central rib, short tang and 2 rivets (tip broken off, but here). The handle was covered with small copper studs (in box labelled U.9115A). [Type II]
8700 (none) (none) B17523 Copper knife. Straight-sided, with short tang and 2 rivets.
8023 (none) (none) B17329 Copper knife. Straight-sided. Tang and point both missing and the blade broken across. [type] II
8651 (none) (none) B17327 Copper knife. Straight-sided: short tang with 3 rivets. II.
16785 31-43-494 (none) (none) Copper knife. Tang broken and part missing. Type _ [drawing 1:1]
11474 (none) (none) (none) Copper Knife. Tang with no rivets, thickened to centre but no true rib. Type 8(new) [drawing 1:1]
12143 30-12-319 (none) (none) Copper Knife. Tip missing. Type II, F.

Related Terms

Saws - Sickles