Objects: Type Export: JSON - XML - CSV Clay Seals and Sealings

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
7615 (none) (none) B16894 Cylinder seal. Limestone. Grey. Figures faint. Scene of worship. Minor deity leads worshipper by the hand towards seated Nannar. Attributes: crescent moon and palm.
17321 31-43-61 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Marble (?). Brown. Sides convex. God standing behind a crescent on a pole and a second deity introducing the votary advances toward the pole. Dwarf like figure. Animal.
9026 (none) (none) B16876 Cylinder seal. Marble: green and white. A winged god wearing conical cap and a straight flowing skirt which is represented by vertical parallel lines, holds left arm slightly upraised while apparently addressing a second naked god. The second god is engaged in felling to the ground an unwinged god who is represented as utterly unbalanced, arms flung downward behind the head, head and feet drooping to the ground, middle of the body uppermost. Beyond: a third winged divinity stands over the back of a crouching man, right foot upon the neck, left foot upon the rump. The winged divinity also lays his right hand upon the head of a naked kneeling suppliant, and his left upon the head of a similar suppliant who kneels upon the left knee only. Bold but rather coarse cutting. Subject not hitherto found upon any cylinder seal from Ur.
16180 31-43-3 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Pink marble. Two rows of deeply incised circles.
16146 31-43-29 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Pink steatite. Presentation scene: seated figure and two standing; emblem: pole with a forked top.
12034 30-12-11 (none) (none) Cylinder Seal. Shell. Decayed. Fighting beasts (lions?).
11148 (none) (none) B17598 Cylinder Seal. Shell. Poor condition. Present: scene: 2 figures advancing towards a seated god. Attributes: Crescent moon and horns standing on 2 feet. [drawing]
12691 30-12-46 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Shell. White. Poor cutting. Eagle in flight, antelopes? Bulls.
12091 30-12-41 (none) (none) Cylinder Seal. Shell. White. Presentation scene before seated deity, inscribed? Very poor condition: no photos possible.
7894 (none) (none) B16881 Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Scene of worship. Votary led by the hands by minor deity towards seated Nannar. Nannar and minor deity wear flounced kaunakes skirt and low head dress. Votary shaven and shorn wearing long skirt fringed in front. Behind votary a rampant lion between 4 vertical lines, which may represent the doors of a shrine? Attributes: crescent moons one against the other as on the burnt bricks of Sin-Iddinam.
7525 (none) (none) B16901 Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. 3 figures obliterated. Presentation scene before seated god bearing staff in left hand. IIIrd Dyn. of Ur. [drawing of scene]
17332 31-43-17 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Fragment. 3 geese (?).
7556 (none) (none) B16886, B16886 Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Inscribed: practically illegible? Scene of worship: Minor deity introducing worshipper to Nannar before whom stands the crescent moon on a staff.
17014 31-43-65 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Miniature. Gilgamesh and Eabani fighting rampant lion.
7680 (none) (none) B16893 Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Obliterated. Scene of worship. Votary led by the hands by minor deity towards seated presiding deity.
7121 (none) (none) B16289 Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Palm branch between 2 worshippers, who hold hand upraised. Attributes: Crescent moon, Rampant Lion. 2400 BC. E.
17015 31-43-52 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Presentation scene. 3 figures before a standing goddess. Goose
17344 31-43-30 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Dark grey. Small portion missing. Presentation scene. Two standing figures before a seated god. Crescent moon.
13031 30-12-44 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Greenish. Presentation scene and 1 dwarf-like figure.
17325 31-43-40 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Grey. One roughly cut human figure and second carrying an animal (?) two spears? [second carrying an animal has been crossed out on catalog card]
12023 30-12-26 (none) (none) Cylinder Seal. Steatite. Men fighting.
7920 (none) (none) B16900 Cylinder seal. Steatite. Scene of worship before Nannar. Enthronoed Nannar wearing horned headdress extends right hand to greet 2 standing gods also wearing horned headdress and with left arm upraised. Attributes: crescent moon and spear? with a shaped top.
12795A 30-12-18 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Squat furniture type. Poor cutting. Stags? In procession and signs of doubtful import.
11428 30-12-51 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. White shell much decayed.
7118 (none) (none) B16288 Cylinder seal. White shell. 2 registers. Upper register. Spend eagle between 2 gazelles - standing club. Below. Net. Before 3000 BC. E.
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