Context Title: P/103     
Context Name (Excavation): Persian Grave 103     


Objects: P/103 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
18353A (none) (none) (none) Group. Copper bowl. [A] Umbilical with carinated rim. [B] Copper fibula, angular type, the pin missing. [C] Beads. Very small carnelian rings, small agate date shaped, one lapis ball, small blue glaze rings. [D] Glazed clay pot [Type] P103 [annotation unclear]. [drawing]
18353B (none) (none) (none) Group. Copper bowl. [A] Umbilical with carinated rim. [B] Copper fibula, angular type, the pin missing. [C] Beads. Very small carnelian rings, small agate date shaped, one lapis ball, small blue glaze rings. [D] Glazed clay pot [Type] P103 [annotation unclear]. [drawing]
18353C (none) (none) (none) Group. Copper bowl. [A] Umbilical with carinated rim. [B] Copper fibula, angular type, the pin missing. [C] Beads. Very small carnelian rings, small agate date shaped, one lapis ball, small blue glaze rings. [D] Glazed clay pot [Type] P103 [annotation unclear]. [drawing]
18353D (none) (none) (none) Group. Copper bowl. [A] Umbilical with carinated rim. [B] Copper fibula, angular type, the pin missing. [C] Beads. Very small carnelian rings, small agate date shaped, one lapis ball, small blue glaze rings. [D] Glazed clay pot [Type] P103 [annotation unclear]. [drawing]
  • 4 Objects


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Ur > P/103