Description (Catalog Card): Clay tablet. Commercial: receipt. Date: i.q. [cf?] U.17205 [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card] 1     
Find Context (Catalog Card): AH. No. 2 Paternoster Row. Room of broken terracotta, floor level.     
Material (Catalog Card): Clay2     
Text Genre: Administrative and Legal      
Dates Referenced: Amar-Suen 8     
[1] Typed Transcription from BMCard
[2] Material as described by Woolley
[3] Publication: UET 9


Locations: 17202 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
No. 2 Paternoster Row [Sir Leonard Woolley has left no description of this building, which was numbered 'I' on the earlier plans, A.J. 11(1931 P. XLVII; Excavations at Ur, Fig. 12. It was at one time connected with No. 4 Straight Street (see p. 163 and n. 33). U.16817 was found in it. Ed.] (none)
  • 1 Location

Media: 17202 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Ur Excavations Texts IX: Economic Texts from the Third Dynasty Ur Excavations Texts IX: Economic Texts from the Third Dynasty 1976 Loding, D. (none)
  • 1 Media