Object classification is qualitative rather than quantitative. These classifications have been a source of consternation, some things are fairly obvious, but others blur the lines between categories. In this category we are looking for one to two word object definitions. For example: Figurine, Model, Plaque, Cone, Statue, etc.

Object Properties

12   Modern Reproductions
14  Animal Equipment + Expand
1  Nose Rings
6  Rein Rings
1  Bridle-Bits
2  Reins
3  Yokes and Collars
1071  Architectural Elements + Expand
239  Bricks
643  Cones
167  Door/Gate Sockets + Expand
69  Socket
16  Drain Pipes
797  Armor and Weaponry + Expand
499  Arrows and Bows + Expand
191  Arrowheads
7  Bows
2  Quivers
13  String notches
7  Helmets
41  Sling Bullets
246  Spears and Lances + Expand
245  Spearheads/Lanceheads
0  Spear Ends
1  Greaves
1  Sheaths
2  Shields
5692  Dress and Personal Ornaments + Expand
5  Belts
417  Bracelets and Anklets
885  Clasps + Expand
39  Fibulae
828  Pins
950  Earrings + Expand
857  Earrings
33  Studs and Labrets
550  Headdress + Expand
92  Fillet/Frontlet/Brim
127  Frontlets
184  Hair Ornaments + Expand
35  Hair Combs
5  Hair Pins
108  Hair Rings
92  Ribbons
53  Wreaths
1873  Miscellaneous Pieces + Expand
325  Amulets and Pendants + Expand
255  Animal/Human Shaped
65  Geometric/Plant Shaped
1497  Beads
9  Rosettes
337  Neckwear + Expand
46  Chokers
291  Necklaces
672  Rings
2559  Figural Objects + Expand
1989  Figurines + Expand
1516  Anthropomorphic + Expand
48  Masks
467  Zoomorphic
4  Other
451  Plaques/Reliefs + Expand
1  Boundary Stones
100  Stelas + Expand
41  Fragments
93  Relief Plaque
421  Furniture + Expand
132  Inlays
33  Offering Tables
249  Fasteners, Nails, and Hooks + Expand
25  Chains + Expand
3  Pulleys
166  Nails and Bolts
45  Holdfasts and Staples
4  Furniture Remains + Expand
4  Chair Legs
167  Games and Music + Expand
4  Flutes
9  Gaming Board
84  Gaming Piece + Expand
16  Knuckle bones
0  Dice/Die
0  Disc
14  Harps and Lyres
56  Rattles
4376  Not Assigned
385  Personal Grooming + Expand
23  Combs
18  Mirrors
125  Toiletry Kits + Expand
13  Kohl Sticks
19  Reticules
4  Stilettos
11  Tweezers
219  Cosmetic Containers + Expand
188  Cosmetic Shells
15  Kohl Containers
16  Palettes
82  Samples + Expand
13  Animal Remains
2  Baskets or Matting
24  Human Remains
7  Pigments
1  Seeds
0  Wood
19  Raw Materials
12  Slag
1  Soil Sample
3008  Seals, Stamps, and Sealings + Expand
6  Brick Stamps
1415  Cylinder Seals + Expand
11  Trial Pieces
1374  Seal Impression
212  Stamp Seals + Expand
37  Scaraboid Seals
11  Seal Rings
2302  Tools and Equipment + Expand
95  Lamps and Incense Burners + Expand
28  Incense Burners
66  Lamps
142  Awls, Piercers, Needles + Expand
35  Awl/Drill/Piercers
107  Needles
826  Axes, Choppers, Scrapers + Expand
75  Adzes
357  Axes
122  Celts
40  Choppers
71  Razors
111  Scrapers
47  Chisels and Gouges
50  Fishhooks, Harpoons, and Tridents + Expand
2  Tridents
0  Fishhooks
135  Grinders, Pounders, Picks + Expand
8  Burnishers/Rubbing Stones
22  Grinders/Pestles/Pounders
2  Hammers
6  Mortars
3  Picks
93  Whetstones
474  Knives, Blades, Saws + Expand
348  Knives and Swords
31  Saws
14  Sickles
181  Maces, Sceptres, Staves + Expand
84  Maces + Expand
8  Votive Maces
97  Rods and Bars
166  Miscellany and Unidentified + Expand
25  Crescent-shaped objects + Expand
10  Potter's Ribs
74  Debitage + Expand
1  Cores
1  Debitage
5  Flakes
6  Forks
31  Ladles and spoons
21  Spatulas
3  Drinking Tube
59  Moulds + Expand
32  Figural Objects
24  Armor and Jewelry + Expand
8  Bead Moulds
15  Jewelry Moulds
2  Tool/Weapon
124  Whorls, Weights, Plumb Bobs + Expand
38  Net/Loom Weights
12  Plumb Bobs
66  Spindle Whorls
4  Spindles
4  Spools
5179  Vessels/Containers + Expand
1844  Closed Forms + Expand
89  Bottles
1362  Jars
292  Pots
101  Spouted
11  Coffins and Burial Urns + Expand
7  Coffins
4  Funerary Urns
162  Fragments + Expand
105  Body Fragments
35  Handles and Spouts
11  Bases
7  Rims
83  Lids + Expand
1  Cap
39  Stopper
2634  Open Forms + Expand
159  Beakers
2050  Bowls
25  Boxes
248  Cups
96  Dishes and Plates
39  Strainers + Expand
2  Funnels
36  Strainers and Colanders
17  Spouted
37  Stands
5  Troughs
586  Weights and Measures + Expand
3  Balance Arms
498  Balance Pan Weights + Expand
92  Duck Weights
282  Ovoid Weights
24  Other Weights
46  Counters
17  Ingots
11  Scale Pans
11  Suspension Weights
335  Miniatures/Models + Expand
28  Architectural Elements
137  Transportation + Expand
50  Miniature Boats
10  Miniature Chariots
74  Miniature Wheels
44  Vessels
97  Furniture
29  Tools/Weapons
19  Unknown
11804  Writing and Record Keeping + Expand
20  Labels
13  Stylus
10577  Tablet
29  Barrels or Cylinder
21  Bulla
484  Envelope
658  Peg, Nail or Cone (inscribed)
1  Tokens

Location Properties

0   Modern Reproductions
0  Animal Equipment + Expand
0  Nose Rings
0  Rein Rings
0  Bridle-Bits
0  Reins
0  Yokes and Collars
0  Architectural Elements + Expand
0  Bricks
0  Cones
0  Door/Gate Sockets + Expand
0  Socket
0  Drain Pipes
0  Armor and Weaponry + Expand
0  Arrows and Bows + Expand
0  Arrowheads
0  Bows
0  Quivers
0  String notches
0  Helmets
0  Sling Bullets
0  Spears and Lances + Expand
0  Spearheads/Lanceheads
0  Spear Ends
0  Greaves
0  Sheaths
0  Shields
0  Dress and Personal Ornaments + Expand
0  Belts
0  Bracelets and Anklets
0  Clasps + Expand
0  Fibulae
0  Pins
0  Earrings + Expand
0  Earrings
0  Studs and Labrets
0  Headdress + Expand
0  Fillet/Frontlet/Brim
0  Frontlets
0  Hair Ornaments + Expand
0  Hair Combs
0  Hair Pins
0  Hair Rings
0  Ribbons
0  Wreaths
0  Miscellaneous Pieces + Expand
0  Amulets and Pendants + Expand
0  Animal/Human Shaped
0  Geometric/Plant Shaped
0  Beads
0  Rosettes
0  Neckwear + Expand
0  Chokers
0  Necklaces
0  Rings
0  Figural Objects + Expand
0  Figurines + Expand
0  Anthropomorphic + Expand
0  Masks
0  Zoomorphic
0  Other
0  Plaques/Reliefs + Expand
0  Boundary Stones
0  Stelas + Expand
0  Fragments
0  Relief Plaque
0  Furniture + Expand
0  Inlays
0  Offering Tables
0  Fasteners, Nails, and Hooks + Expand
0  Chains + Expand
0  Pulleys
0  Nails and Bolts
0  Holdfasts and Staples
0  Furniture Remains + Expand
0  Chair Legs
0  Games and Music + Expand
0  Flutes
0  Gaming Board
0  Gaming Piece + Expand
0  Knuckle bones
0  Dice/Die
0  Disc
0  Harps and Lyres
0  Rattles
0  Not Assigned
0  Personal Grooming + Expand
0  Combs
0  Mirrors
0  Toiletry Kits + Expand
0  Kohl Sticks
0  Reticules
0  Stilettos
0  Tweezers
0  Cosmetic Containers + Expand
0  Cosmetic Shells
0  Kohl Containers
0  Palettes
0  Samples + Expand
0  Animal Remains
0  Baskets or Matting
0  Human Remains
0  Pigments
0  Seeds
0  Wood
0  Raw Materials
0  Slag
0  Soil Sample
0  Seals, Stamps, and Sealings + Expand
0  Brick Stamps
0  Cylinder Seals + Expand
0  Trial Pieces
0  Seal Impression
0  Stamp Seals + Expand
0  Scaraboid Seals
0  Seal Rings
0  Tools and Equipment + Expand
0  Lamps and Incense Burners + Expand
0  Incense Burners
0  Lamps
0  Awls, Piercers, Needles + Expand
0  Awl/Drill/Piercers
0  Needles
0  Axes, Choppers, Scrapers + Expand
0  Adzes
0  Axes
0  Celts
0  Choppers
0  Razors
0  Scrapers
0  Chisels and Gouges
0  Fishhooks, Harpoons, and Tridents + Expand
0  Tridents
0  Fishhooks
0  Grinders, Pounders, Picks + Expand
0  Burnishers/Rubbing Stones
0  Grinders/Pestles/Pounders
0  Hammers
0  Mortars
0  Picks
0  Whetstones
0  Knives, Blades, Saws + Expand
0  Knives and Swords
0  Saws
0  Sickles
0  Maces, Sceptres, Staves + Expand
0  Maces + Expand
0  Votive Maces
0  Rods and Bars
0  Miscellany and Unidentified + Expand
0  Crescent-shaped objects + Expand
0  Potter's Ribs
0  Debitage + Expand
0  Cores
0  Debitage
0  Flakes
0  Forks
0  Ladles and spoons
0  Spatulas
0  Drinking Tube
0  Moulds + Expand
0  Figural Objects
0  Armor and Jewelry + Expand
0  Bead Moulds
0  Jewelry Moulds
0  Tool/Weapon
0  Whorls, Weights, Plumb Bobs + Expand
0  Net/Loom Weights
0  Plumb Bobs
0  Spindle Whorls
0  Spindles
0  Spools
0  Vessels/Containers + Expand
0  Closed Forms + Expand
0  Bottles
0  Jars
0  Pots
0  Spouted
0  Coffins and Burial Urns + Expand
0  Coffins
0  Funerary Urns
0  Fragments + Expand
0  Body Fragments
0  Handles and Spouts
0  Bases
0  Rims
0  Lids + Expand
0  Cap
0  Stopper
0  Open Forms + Expand
0  Beakers
0  Bowls
0  Boxes
0  Cups
0  Dishes and Plates
0  Strainers + Expand
0  Funnels
0  Strainers and Colanders
0  Spouted
0  Stands
0  Troughs
0  Weights and Measures + Expand
0  Balance Arms
0  Balance Pan Weights + Expand
0  Duck Weights
0  Ovoid Weights
0  Other Weights
0  Counters
0  Ingots
0  Scale Pans
0  Suspension Weights
0  Miniatures/Models + Expand
0  Architectural Elements
0  Transportation + Expand
0  Miniature Boats
0  Miniature Chariots
0  Miniature Wheels
0  Vessels
0  Furniture
0  Tools/Weapons
0  Unknown
0  Writing and Record Keeping + Expand
0  Labels
0  Stylus
0  Tablet
0  Barrels or Cylinder
0  Bulla
0  Envelope
0  Peg, Nail or Cone (inscribed)
0  Tokens

Media Properties

0   Modern Reproductions
0  Animal Equipment + Expand
0  Nose Rings
0  Rein Rings
0  Bridle-Bits
0  Reins
0  Yokes and Collars
0  Architectural Elements + Expand
0  Bricks
0  Cones
0  Door/Gate Sockets + Expand
0  Socket
0  Drain Pipes
0  Armor and Weaponry + Expand
0  Arrows and Bows + Expand
0  Arrowheads
0  Bows
0  Quivers
0  String notches
0  Helmets
0  Sling Bullets
0  Spears and Lances + Expand
0  Spearheads/Lanceheads
0  Spear Ends
0  Greaves
0  Sheaths
0  Shields
0  Dress and Personal Ornaments + Expand
0  Belts
0  Bracelets and Anklets
0  Clasps + Expand
0  Fibulae
0  Pins
0  Earrings + Expand
0  Earrings
0  Studs and Labrets
0  Headdress + Expand
0  Fillet/Frontlet/Brim
0  Frontlets
0  Hair Ornaments + Expand
0  Hair Combs
0  Hair Pins
0  Hair Rings
0  Ribbons
0  Wreaths
0  Miscellaneous Pieces + Expand
0  Amulets and Pendants + Expand
0  Animal/Human Shaped
0  Geometric/Plant Shaped
0  Beads
0  Rosettes
0  Neckwear + Expand
0  Chokers
0  Necklaces
0  Rings
0  Figural Objects + Expand
0  Figurines + Expand
0  Anthropomorphic + Expand
0  Masks
0  Zoomorphic
0  Other
0  Plaques/Reliefs + Expand
0  Boundary Stones
0  Stelas + Expand
0  Fragments
0  Relief Plaque
0  Furniture + Expand
0  Inlays
0  Offering Tables
0  Fasteners, Nails, and Hooks + Expand
0  Chains + Expand
0  Pulleys
0  Nails and Bolts
0  Holdfasts and Staples
0  Furniture Remains + Expand
0  Chair Legs
0  Games and Music + Expand
0  Flutes
0  Gaming Board
0  Gaming Piece + Expand
0  Knuckle bones
0  Dice/Die
0  Disc
0  Harps and Lyres
0  Rattles
0  Not Assigned
0  Personal Grooming + Expand
0  Combs
0  Mirrors
0  Toiletry Kits + Expand
0  Kohl Sticks
0  Reticules
0  Stilettos
0  Tweezers
0  Cosmetic Containers + Expand
0  Cosmetic Shells
0  Kohl Containers
0  Palettes
0  Samples + Expand
0  Animal Remains
0  Baskets or Matting
0  Human Remains
0  Pigments
0  Seeds
0  Wood
0  Raw Materials
0  Slag
0  Soil Sample
0  Seals, Stamps, and Sealings + Expand
0  Brick Stamps
0  Cylinder Seals + Expand
0  Trial Pieces
0  Seal Impression
0  Stamp Seals + Expand
0  Scaraboid Seals
0  Seal Rings
0  Tools and Equipment + Expand
0  Lamps and Incense Burners + Expand
0  Incense Burners
0  Lamps
0  Awls, Piercers, Needles + Expand
0  Awl/Drill/Piercers
0  Needles
0  Axes, Choppers, Scrapers + Expand
0  Adzes
0  Axes
0  Celts
0  Choppers
0  Razors
0  Scrapers
0  Chisels and Gouges
0  Fishhooks, Harpoons, and Tridents + Expand
0  Tridents
0  Fishhooks
0  Grinders, Pounders, Picks + Expand
0  Burnishers/Rubbing Stones
0  Grinders/Pestles/Pounders
0  Hammers
0  Mortars
0  Picks
0  Whetstones
0  Knives, Blades, Saws + Expand
0  Knives and Swords
0  Saws
0  Sickles
0  Maces, Sceptres, Staves + Expand
0  Maces + Expand
0  Votive Maces
0  Rods and Bars
0  Miscellany and Unidentified + Expand
0  Crescent-shaped objects + Expand
0  Potter's Ribs
0  Debitage + Expand
0  Cores
0  Debitage
0  Flakes
0  Forks
0  Ladles and spoons
0  Spatulas
0  Drinking Tube
0  Moulds + Expand
0  Figural Objects
0  Armor and Jewelry + Expand
0  Bead Moulds
0  Jewelry Moulds
0  Tool/Weapon
0  Whorls, Weights, Plumb Bobs + Expand
0  Net/Loom Weights
0  Plumb Bobs
0  Spindle Whorls
0  Spindles
0  Spools
0  Vessels/Containers + Expand
0  Closed Forms + Expand
0  Bottles
0  Jars
0  Pots
0  Spouted
0  Coffins and Burial Urns + Expand
0  Coffins
0  Funerary Urns
0  Fragments + Expand
0  Body Fragments
0  Handles and Spouts
0  Bases
0  Rims
0  Lids + Expand
0  Cap
0  Stopper
0  Open Forms + Expand
0  Beakers
0  Bowls
0  Boxes
0  Cups
0  Dishes and Plates
0  Strainers + Expand
0  Funnels
0  Strainers and Colanders
0  Spouted
0  Stands
0  Troughs
0  Weights and Measures + Expand
0  Balance Arms
0  Balance Pan Weights + Expand
0  Duck Weights
0  Ovoid Weights
0  Other Weights
0  Counters
0  Ingots
0  Scale Pans
0  Suspension Weights
0  Miniatures/Models + Expand
0  Architectural Elements
0  Transportation + Expand
0  Miniature Boats
0  Miniature Chariots
0  Miniature Wheels
0  Vessels
0  Furniture
0  Tools/Weapons
0  Unknown
0  Writing and Record Keeping + Expand
0  Labels
0  Stylus
0  Tablet
0  Barrels or Cylinder
0  Bulla
0  Envelope
0  Peg, Nail or Cone (inscribed)
0  Tokens

People Properties

0   Modern Reproductions
0  Animal Equipment + Expand
0  Nose Rings
0  Rein Rings
0  Bridle-Bits
0  Reins
0  Yokes and Collars
0  Architectural Elements + Expand
0  Bricks
0  Cones
0  Door/Gate Sockets + Expand
0  Socket
0  Drain Pipes
0  Armor and Weaponry + Expand
0  Arrows and Bows + Expand
0  Arrowheads
0  Bows
0  Quivers
0  String notches
0  Helmets
0  Sling Bullets
0  Spears and Lances + Expand
0  Spearheads/Lanceheads
0  Spear Ends
0  Greaves
0  Sheaths
0  Shields
0  Dress and Personal Ornaments + Expand
0  Belts
0  Bracelets and Anklets
0  Clasps + Expand
0  Fibulae
0  Pins
0  Earrings + Expand
0  Earrings
0  Studs and Labrets
0  Headdress + Expand
0  Fillet/Frontlet/Brim
0  Frontlets
0  Hair Ornaments + Expand
0  Hair Combs
0  Hair Pins
0  Hair Rings
0  Ribbons
0  Wreaths
0  Miscellaneous Pieces + Expand
0  Amulets and Pendants + Expand
0  Animal/Human Shaped
0  Geometric/Plant Shaped
0  Beads
0  Rosettes
0  Neckwear + Expand
0  Chokers
0  Necklaces
0  Rings
0  Figural Objects + Expand
0  Figurines + Expand
0  Anthropomorphic + Expand
0  Masks
0  Zoomorphic
0  Other
0  Plaques/Reliefs + Expand
0  Boundary Stones
0  Stelas + Expand
0  Fragments
0  Relief Plaque
0  Furniture + Expand
0  Inlays
0  Offering Tables
0  Fasteners, Nails, and Hooks + Expand
0  Chains + Expand
0  Pulleys
0  Nails and Bolts
0  Holdfasts and Staples
0  Furniture Remains + Expand
0  Chair Legs
0  Games and Music + Expand
0  Flutes
0  Gaming Board
0  Gaming Piece + Expand
0  Knuckle bones
0  Dice/Die
0  Disc
0  Harps and Lyres
0  Rattles
0  Not Assigned
0  Personal Grooming + Expand
0  Combs
0  Mirrors
0  Toiletry Kits + Expand
0  Kohl Sticks
0  Reticules
0  Stilettos
0  Tweezers
0  Cosmetic Containers + Expand
0  Cosmetic Shells
0  Kohl Containers
0  Palettes
0  Samples + Expand
0  Animal Remains
0  Baskets or Matting
0  Human Remains
0  Pigments
0  Seeds
0  Wood
0  Raw Materials
0  Slag
0  Soil Sample
0  Seals, Stamps, and Sealings + Expand
0  Brick Stamps
0  Cylinder Seals + Expand
0  Trial Pieces
0  Seal Impression
0  Stamp Seals + Expand
0  Scaraboid Seals
0  Seal Rings
0  Tools and Equipment + Expand
0  Lamps and Incense Burners + Expand
0  Incense Burners
0  Lamps
0  Awls, Piercers, Needles + Expand
0  Awl/Drill/Piercers
0  Needles
0  Axes, Choppers, Scrapers + Expand
0  Adzes
0  Axes
0  Celts
0  Choppers
0  Razors
0  Scrapers
0  Chisels and Gouges
0  Fishhooks, Harpoons, and Tridents + Expand
0  Tridents
0  Fishhooks
0  Grinders, Pounders, Picks + Expand
0  Burnishers/Rubbing Stones
0  Grinders/Pestles/Pounders
0  Hammers
0  Mortars
0  Picks
0  Whetstones
0  Knives, Blades, Saws + Expand
0  Knives and Swords
0  Saws
0  Sickles
0  Maces, Sceptres, Staves + Expand
0  Maces + Expand
0  Votive Maces
0  Rods and Bars
0  Miscellany and Unidentified + Expand
0  Crescent-shaped objects + Expand
0  Potter's Ribs
0  Debitage + Expand
0  Cores
0  Debitage
0  Flakes
0  Forks
0  Ladles and spoons
0  Spatulas
0  Drinking Tube
0  Moulds + Expand
0  Figural Objects
0  Armor and Jewelry + Expand
0  Bead Moulds
0  Jewelry Moulds
0  Tool/Weapon
0  Whorls, Weights, Plumb Bobs + Expand
0  Net/Loom Weights
0  Plumb Bobs
0  Spindle Whorls
0  Spindles
0  Spools
0  Vessels/Containers + Expand
0  Closed Forms + Expand
0  Bottles
0  Jars
0  Pots
0  Spouted
0  Coffins and Burial Urns + Expand
0  Coffins
0  Funerary Urns
0  Fragments + Expand
0  Body Fragments
0  Handles and Spouts
0  Bases
0  Rims
0  Lids + Expand
0  Cap
0  Stopper
0  Open Forms + Expand
0  Beakers
0  Bowls
0  Boxes
0  Cups
0  Dishes and Plates
0  Strainers + Expand
0  Funnels
0  Strainers and Colanders
0  Spouted
0  Stands
0  Troughs
0  Weights and Measures + Expand
0  Balance Arms
0  Balance Pan Weights + Expand
0  Duck Weights
0  Ovoid Weights
0  Other Weights
0  Counters
0  Ingots
0  Scale Pans
0  Suspension Weights
0  Miniatures/Models + Expand
0  Architectural Elements
0  Transportation + Expand
0  Miniature Boats
0  Miniature Chariots
0  Miniature Wheels
0  Vessels
0  Furniture
0  Tools/Weapons
0  Unknown
0  Writing and Record Keeping + Expand
0  Labels
0  Stylus
0  Tablet
0  Barrels or Cylinder
0  Bulla
0  Envelope
0  Peg, Nail or Cone (inscribed)
0  Tokens

File Properties

0   Modern Reproductions
0  Animal Equipment + Expand
0  Nose Rings
0  Rein Rings
0  Bridle-Bits
0  Reins
0  Yokes and Collars
0  Architectural Elements + Expand
0  Bricks
0  Cones
0  Door/Gate Sockets + Expand
0  Socket
0  Drain Pipes
0  Armor and Weaponry + Expand
0  Arrows and Bows + Expand
0  Arrowheads
0  Bows
0  Quivers
0  String notches
0  Helmets
0  Sling Bullets
0  Spears and Lances + Expand
0  Spearheads/Lanceheads
0  Spear Ends
0  Greaves
0  Sheaths
0  Shields
0  Dress and Personal Ornaments + Expand
0  Belts
0  Bracelets and Anklets
0  Clasps + Expand
0  Fibulae
0  Pins
0  Earrings + Expand
0  Earrings
0  Studs and Labrets
0  Headdress + Expand
0  Fillet/Frontlet/Brim
0  Frontlets
0  Hair Ornaments + Expand
0  Hair Combs
0  Hair Pins
0  Hair Rings
0  Ribbons
0  Wreaths
0  Miscellaneous Pieces + Expand
0  Amulets and Pendants + Expand
0  Animal/Human Shaped
0  Geometric/Plant Shaped
0  Beads
0  Rosettes
0  Neckwear + Expand
0  Chokers
0  Necklaces
0  Rings
0  Figural Objects + Expand
0  Figurines + Expand
0  Anthropomorphic + Expand
0  Masks
0  Zoomorphic
0  Other
0  Plaques/Reliefs + Expand
0  Boundary Stones
0  Stelas + Expand
0  Fragments
0  Relief Plaque
0  Furniture + Expand
0  Inlays
0  Offering Tables
0  Fasteners, Nails, and Hooks + Expand
0  Chains + Expand
0  Pulleys
0  Nails and Bolts
0  Holdfasts and Staples
0  Furniture Remains + Expand
0  Chair Legs
0  Games and Music + Expand
0  Flutes
0  Gaming Board
0  Gaming Piece + Expand
0  Knuckle bones
0  Dice/Die
0  Disc
0  Harps and Lyres
0  Rattles
0  Not Assigned
0  Personal Grooming + Expand
0  Combs
0  Mirrors
0  Toiletry Kits + Expand
0  Kohl Sticks
0  Reticules
0  Stilettos
0  Tweezers
0  Cosmetic Containers + Expand
0  Cosmetic Shells
0  Kohl Containers
0  Palettes
0  Samples + Expand
0  Animal Remains
0  Baskets or Matting
0  Human Remains
0  Pigments
0  Seeds
0  Wood
0  Raw Materials
0  Slag
0  Soil Sample
0  Seals, Stamps, and Sealings + Expand
0  Brick Stamps
0  Cylinder Seals + Expand
0  Trial Pieces
0  Seal Impression
0  Stamp Seals + Expand
0  Scaraboid Seals
0  Seal Rings
0  Tools and Equipment + Expand
0  Lamps and Incense Burners + Expand
0  Incense Burners
0  Lamps
0  Awls, Piercers, Needles + Expand
0  Awl/Drill/Piercers
0  Needles
0  Axes, Choppers, Scrapers + Expand
0  Adzes
0  Axes
0  Celts
0  Choppers
0  Razors
0  Scrapers
0  Chisels and Gouges
0  Fishhooks, Harpoons, and Tridents + Expand
0  Tridents
0  Fishhooks
0  Grinders, Pounders, Picks + Expand
0  Burnishers/Rubbing Stones
0  Grinders/Pestles/Pounders
0  Hammers
0  Mortars
0  Picks
0  Whetstones
0  Knives, Blades, Saws + Expand
0  Knives and Swords
0  Saws
0  Sickles
0  Maces, Sceptres, Staves + Expand
0  Maces + Expand
0  Votive Maces
0  Rods and Bars
0  Miscellany and Unidentified + Expand
0  Crescent-shaped objects + Expand
0  Potter's Ribs
0  Debitage + Expand
0  Cores
0  Debitage
0  Flakes
0  Forks
0  Ladles and spoons
0  Spatulas
0  Drinking Tube
0  Moulds + Expand
0  Figural Objects
0  Armor and Jewelry + Expand
0  Bead Moulds
0  Jewelry Moulds
0  Tool/Weapon
0  Whorls, Weights, Plumb Bobs + Expand
0  Net/Loom Weights
0  Plumb Bobs
0  Spindle Whorls
0  Spindles
0  Spools
0  Vessels/Containers + Expand
0  Closed Forms + Expand
0  Bottles
0  Jars
0  Pots
0  Spouted
0  Coffins and Burial Urns + Expand
0  Coffins
0  Funerary Urns
0  Fragments + Expand
0  Body Fragments
0  Handles and Spouts
0  Bases
0  Rims
0  Lids + Expand
0  Cap
0  Stopper
0  Open Forms + Expand
0  Beakers
0  Bowls
0  Boxes
0  Cups
0  Dishes and Plates
0  Strainers + Expand
0  Funnels
0  Strainers and Colanders
0  Spouted
0  Stands
0  Troughs
0  Weights and Measures + Expand
0  Balance Arms
0  Balance Pan Weights + Expand
0  Duck Weights
0  Ovoid Weights
0  Other Weights
0  Counters
0  Ingots
0  Scale Pans
0  Suspension Weights
0  Miniatures/Models + Expand
0  Architectural Elements
0  Transportation + Expand
0  Miniature Boats
0  Miniature Chariots
0  Miniature Wheels
0  Vessels
0  Furniture
0  Tools/Weapons
0  Unknown
0  Writing and Record Keeping + Expand
0  Labels
0  Stylus
0  Tablet
0  Barrels or Cylinder
0  Bulla
0  Envelope
0  Peg, Nail or Cone (inscribed)
0  Tokens