Description (Catalog Card): [A-BD] 56 fragments of tablets from TTB20, account lists. For other tablets from same find see U.316, U.317-U.324, U.341-U.344, U.596. Placed in packing case A2     
Find Context (Catalog Card): T.T.B 20 / E-nun-mah room 20     
Material (Catalog Card): Clay3     
[1] U number subdivided based on number of objects listed on Catalog Card.
[2] Woolley's description
[3] Material as described by Woolley


Locations: 315AC Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
TTB.20 (See PI. 32b) Except at the NW end of the room virtually nothing of the burnt-brick wall survived. Against the western jamb of the door in the NW wall was a doorsocket stone, uninscribed, for the insertion of which the mudbrick wall has been cut back; part of the brick hinge-box remains and the mud floor can be traced running above the bricks of the box, from which fact one can conclude that the socket-stone belongs to the Kassite restoration. The mud floor, flush with the middle of the fourth course of wall bricks, was much destroyed; at the NW end there were traces of a brick pavement above it, for which it may have served as a foundation. There was a brick threshold across the doorway, and against the northern jamb a brick with a hole through it had been used as an impost for the door frame. Tablets found here included one dated in the 7th year of Gungunum of Larsa (U. 318). (none)
  • 1 Location

Media: 315AC Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period 1976 Woolley, L. and M. Mallowan (none)
Ur Excavations VI; The Ur III Period Ur Excavations VI; The Ur III Period 1974 Woolley, Leonard (none)
Ur Excavations Texts I: Royal Inscriptions Ur Excavations Texts I: Royal Inscriptions 1928 Gadd, C.J., Legrain, L., Smith, S., Burrows, E.R. (none)
  • 3 Media